
India Earl – The Initial Email Guide

10,00 $

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This guide covers how to effectively email and communicate in an organized and clear way with your clients. I created this guide to help you understand how pivotal early communication is with a client, and how you can leverage it for total success to increase bookings with your ideal clients and create a meaningful experience from the get-go.
About This Product
One of the most powerful business tools you’re totally ignoring — emails. This guide will cover how to: effectively email during those first few exchanges between you and potential clients (so you can increase your booking rates), prevent yourself from getting ghosted, identify whether or not the inquiry is an ideal client or not, and how to open up a dialogue between you and your clients to create more meaningful relationships before you ever even meet.
I created this guide to help you understand how defining your responses are to those initial emails between you and your potential clients, and how to stand out & get hired.

01. How To Approach Emails In A Professional And Personable Way
02. How To Not Screw Up Your Contact Form
03. The Right And Wrong Way Of Going About Emails And The Effects They Have
04. Strategies To Up Your Chances Of Getting Booked
05. How To Never Get Ghosted On Emails Again
06. How To Identify If They’re Your Ideal Client Or Not Right Off The Bat
07. How To Turn Away Inquires You Don’t Vibe With
08. How To Deal With Parents/Siblings/Planners Emailing You For The Client
09. How To Respond
— Although the language in the guide is catered towards wedding photographers, it can apply to any type of freelance photographer or videographer (families, newborns, boudoir, seniors, portraits, couples, fashion, commercial, etc)
— I don’t like to say it’s meant for any certain experience level (beginner, intermediate, experienced), as this guide is ideal for anyone who feels they struggle with getting ghosted, booking clients you don’t vibe with, and not knowing what kind of language to use when emailing.
10% of your purchase will be donated to the amazing organization Operation Underground Railroad, a team of former CIA, Navy SEALs, and Special Ops operatives who save children from sex trafficking all over the world. In the past 4 years of their existence, they’ve rescued over 1,000 victims and
assisted in the arrests of more than 443 traffickers around the world. If you’d like to learn more, check them out here or listen to their podcast Slave Stealer (one of my favorites to listen to!),  educating on such a scary subject as child sex trafficking.